Advanced usage of the preparation editor : all about filtering
This video presents how to use filters in the preparation editor. In a previous video, we looked at how to navigate the preparation editor. In this video we go beyond this and look specifically at filtering.
Filters can be extremely useful for looking at your data and exploring it. With Tale of Data's preparation editor filters, you can very easily and powerfully navigate your data, and zoom in onto the particular lines that fit the description of what you are looking for. In the process of doing this, you will be shown how many lines are in a particular state, helping you to distinguish very common conditions from very rare ones.
A second use case for filters is that you can use them to apply transformations only to a subset of lines in your data table. Transformations that are applied while filtering will only apply to the lines that have been selected by the filters. This can be a very fast method when you are working on fixing your data.
Find out all about the prepation editor's filters in the following video: